Skatepark Development



Westfield (BOD) Skate park was originally built in 2005, but its condition has deteriorated over time and is not well used by those it was intended for. We know there is support from the community for the redevelopment of the existing park and we initiated discussions around this with Aberdeen City Council in early 2020. 

Since those initial discussions Bridge of Don Skatepark Group have become a constituted group on their own.  There is no funding available directly from Aberdeen City Council to redevelop the park, but the group are working hard to raise the funds required. The skatepark will not only benefit users but will also be an asset to the whole community, having been shown to improve the health and well-being of users and reduce social exclusion and anti-social behaviour. 

This is a huge project and completion will take time.  If you are a skate park user, have knowledge of similar projects or are just keen to see an improvement in outdoor sports facilities for children and young adults in Bridge of Don – please get in touch via their social pages (@BODSkatepark) or by emailing